Homeowners and commercial property managers have at least one common goal which is to create and maintain the landscape of their acreage. The homeowner takes particular pride in being the one on the block that is known for having the most beautiful flowering trees and shrubs and the best manicured lawn. The property manager has even more to be concerned about. Not only does he have to please the owner of the property but he has to impress potential lessees. Businessmen and women don’t want to rent office space in a building that is surrounded by weeds or fallen debris and patchy areas of brown grass. An apartment complex will attract more prospective clients if the outdoor space is pleasing to the eye.
Landscape issues may have gone to the bottom of the to-do list over the winter months when our concerns have centered more on snow and ice removal but some forecasters are predicting an early spring in many areas. Anyone concerned with the landscape of their property knows that getting a head start on the season is a step in the right direction.
What needs to be done? Enlist the help of an assistant and take a walk through the property and evaluate the havoc that winter has brought. Make a list of any obviously damaged areas and mark them for later identification. Indicate such areas on a map of the property as well. It’s not too soon to think about making a plan for cleanup and repair.
If you’ve made previous arrangements with a professional landscape and maintenance service you will have saved yourself a lot of time and effort. They will send a representative out to do the preliminary assessment as part of your agreement.
But what if Mother Nature isn’t quite ready for the change of seasons? One of the many early spring maintenance chores is to trim the dead limbs from the big trees on your property. A professional service will be able to do this in a way that will protect any new growth from an unexpected cold snap.
Call CoCal Landscape in Denver @ 303-578-4788 for year round professional services.