Why restrict your landscape plan by only using trees, plants and other greenery? Mix it up by adding a variety of rock and stone to the design. An interesting sidebar before you get started – there is quite a distinction between rock and stone that most people may not be aware of. Stone has existed in the environment where it is found long enough to have been weathered by the elements whereas rock is typically blasted out from beneath the earth’s surface. It can be finished or left in its’ natural state to suit your particular motif.
There are many ways to incorporate rock or stone into your landscape. One of the more popular is a stacked stone wall which can become the backdrop for climbing vines or trailing bloomers. Because it is part of the natural environment stone makes a great eco-friendly material for the pavers in your garden landscape. An experienced landscaping crew will be able to install stone walkways to wind throughout your outdoor living area.
A water feature can make a wonderful focus point for a backyard landscape. A waterfall for instance, doesn’t have to be a huge cascading deluge. A small fountain that empties into a pond or a wall fountain will make an interesting attraction without having to spend a lot of money for installation and maintenance costs. One of the main reasons to include a water feature is the peaceful effect that it adds to the entire space. The sound of water falling over rock or stone seems to bring a part of the great outdoors right into your little corner of the world.
If your space is truly limited a stone bird bath may be an ideal choice for your backyard landscape. Not only will you have a water feature but you will be able to enjoy seeing many varieties of birdlife up close and personal. You can include details that encourage a particular certain species of birds. Hummingbirds for example seem to be most attracted to a bird bath that features a misting fountain.
CoCal Landscape in Denver has been honored for their distinguished service. Call to consult with a landscape designer @ 303-578-4788.