A business environment can be hectic what with deadlines and sales quotas to meet, clients to impress, people coming and going all day long, etc. A quiet place to reflect on the events of the day and the joy and contentment that comes from experiencing the beauty and serenity of a tasteful, pleasing to the eye landscape can bring some perspective to an otherwise chaotic atmosphere.
The peace of mind that comes with being surrounded by the beauty of nature can also increase our ability to concentrate and remember. Studies have shown an increase in productivity among businessmen and women who are exposed to pleasant outdoor surroundings during working hours. Subjects of psychological research who have experienced the advantage of working in a setting that is surrounded by greenery and ornamental plants and shrubbery have exhibited lower stress levels than those who were confined in a windowless office or cubicle.
There’s something about a display of flowers that puts people in a good mood and gets the creative juices flowing. Flowers in a hospital room are known to have a positive effect on patient recovery so it stands to reason that if a busy programmer, for instance, can look out his window onto an array of blooming, colorful flowers the small respite may encourage him to get back to the task at hand with renewed enthusiasm.
Large trees bring a sense of tranquility to the environment. A business site has to provide ample space for parking, deliveries and easy access to traffic which means a lot of concrete and asphalt, both known conductors of heat. Shade trees provide climate relief while at the same time add an element of dignity and maturity to the landscape which can reflect well on the way a business is perceived by others. Prospective clients will consider a respect for the nature of the workplace environment to be a definite asset when considering a commitment to one business over another. Experienced company heads will recognize this advantage.
Depend on Co-Cal Landscape to create just the right ambiance for your Denver business site. Call today @ 303-531-6930.