As a dedicated commercial property manager it is your responsibility to see to it that the guests and prospective clients or tenants visiting the site have a pleasurable and impressive experience.
One of the most important factors for first time visitors is that they feel it easy to find their way around the property, that’s why signage is so important. If apartment dwellers for instance, can’t find the leasing office right away they may well move on to another complex. An experienced landscape company will make sure that important directional markers throughout the property are enhanced with ornamental plants and flowers to draw visitor attention and that shrubs are properly pruned and flower beds weed free. This is a top priority.
Don’t forget about the employees. Business owners value loyalty in the people that they trust to help make their business successful. A savvy property manager will see to it that employees have a comfortable and attractive place to sit and relax on their coffee break or to confer with coworkers in an out of office environment.
Plants and shrubs can outgrow their original space. Maintenance crews should be trained to spot these problems and replace or replant accordingly.
If you are managing a workplace or a living space you will want to enhance the look of the property with special attention to focal points of interest such as entryways and community recreational areas. Decorative urns filled with flowers or foliage improve the look of the pool area and add a pop of color to the setting.
Safety first. Older adult trees can provide both beauty and shade to the environment but the roots sometimes break through the ground creating a hazard for anybody walking through the property. Lighting is another concern. People should be able to feel secure in the parking lots or driveways of your property.
CoCal Landscape is familiar with the soil and weather conditions natural to the Denver area. Talk to a representative today and make a plan for the renovation or maintenance of your commercial property. Call 303-578-4788.