What comes to mind when you consider the landscape of a commercial site? Most of us picture great expanses of green lawns with flower bordered walkways and drives and maybe tall decorative grasses or long entryways lined with beautiful, mature shade trees. All those things are beneficial to the attractiveness of a landscape but there is a whole other aspect to consider.
The term hardscape describes the unnatural elements of a landscape, things like water features, patios, fencing, anything that is manufactured rather than grown. These things can contribute to the overall pattern of the design and are often used as focal points.
There’s a lot of planning that goes into creating the perfect outdoor environment for a commercial building or an entire business center. If you are the project manager for such an undertaking you may have already come up with some interesting ideas or have a specific design in mind. Now you need a landscape company that can take your plan and run with it. Maybe you hadn’t considered hardscape features up until now. A professional landscape designer can tour your site, observe the architecture of your buildings and make suggestions that will enhance it.
Planning is at the heart of a successful landscape project, without it you can run into all kinds of stumbling blocks that can delay completion and turn your property into a interminable construction site. That kind of chaos and unsightliness can’t be good for business. In order to avoid that kind of confusion down the road be sure that you and your landscape designer are clear on conceptions and expectations from the get go. Go over blueprints, time estimates, maintenance arrangements and budget concerns before operations begin.
Choose a landscape company that has been in business in your locale for a significant time. This will allow you to visit the sites that they have completed and see for yourself how their work has stood up. CoCal Landscape has been serving the Denver area for the past 25 years. Visit the website www.cocalcares.com to find out more about this well established business.