A professionally installed rock garden is a wonderful addition to an xeriscape, as it is designed for water conservation. Your garden can be all rock, or can include plants of the “full sun” variety. Blue Fescue is a very durable plant that grows in pretty blue mounds of foliage. The Hardy Purple Ice plant provides a ground cover that blooms in mid-summer.
If you decide to stick to rocks, start with at least 3 large boulders for the central focus of your garden. Mulch, or pea gravel can be used to fill the spaces between the large rocks. Add smaller rocks for some contrast in size, but continue with a definite theme, not too much variation in color or texture.
These suggestions only scratch the surface of the possibilities for the creation of your rock garden. Ask for expert advice from the professionals at CoCal Landscape. They have had a lot of experience with landscaping in Denver. Call them @ 303-531-6901.