Spring is the time of awakening for the flowers, trees and shrubbery of your landscape, and anything you can do to help them come to life will be beneficial.
Don’t just wait for your perennials to pop up out of the mulch. When the ground begins to show signs of thawing, remove the mulch so that the flowers will have room to breathe and won’t have to fight their way through. When your blooms have reached a mature height, you can re-mulch just enough to keep your flower bed free of weeds.
Get your lawn going with a slow-release fertilizer. Your landscaper will know what to use and when to apply it considering your particular climate and what type of grass you have. Don’t let crabgrass take hold. Early spring is usually the time to apply a “pre-emergent” weed killer especially aimed at preventing crabgrass, but again it will depend on your weather conditions and Springtime temperatures.
Don’t forget to fertilize your trees. Those that are still growing should receive nutrients several times throughout the year. As the trees age they will require lighter applications. Inorganic fertilizers are the most popular and least expensive to use, but if you prefer an organic fertilizer, your local landscaping company can get it for you. Remember that the organic types are slower acting and will cost more. You may want to have a soil test done to determine its nitrogen content and some other factors.
If you want to enjoy the color from your early blooming shrubs put off pruning them until the flowers begin to fade. But, if you are pruning in an attempt to revitalize a failing shrub you might want to trade one season of minimal blooms for more years of healthier, more beautiful ones.
Broadleaf and needle evergreen shrubs can both be trimmed back in the Spring before new growth appears. However, if the broadleaf is also a bloomer you may wait until after the flowering period has past.
Get more tips from CoCal Landscaping about how to best maintain your lawn, your greenery and your flowering plants. Call them at 303-578-4788.