Decorative rock is a landscaper’s mainstay. It fits in well, and complements many types of trees, shrubs, and ground covers. River rock is an especially popular choice. It comes in many colors, and sizes, and features a smooth finish – no jagged edges. Rain water, and sprinkler systems bring out the best of the natural beauty of the rock.
River rock is actually taken from the water, which has aged the stones, and produced their texture. Some come from the ocean, and wash right up on the beach.
CoCal can use river rock to create the look of a natural dry creek bed, as a unique feature for landscaping in Denver. They can lay the rock so that it seems to meander through your landscape, just like an actual flowing stream would have. River rock can also be used in and around landscape garden sections, or bordering flower beds. It is an extremely versatile tool for landscaping in Denver. Call CoCal Landscaping today for more ideas: 303-578-4788.