A pergola is a frame structure made up of posts, or pillars. It can have a latticework roof, or be slated. The design is perfect for climbing vines of blooms and greenery.
A best Denver landscaper at CoCal Landscape, can design a pergola to fit into a particular part of your landscape. You don’t need a big space – a pergola can be an extension of your house, leading out to a patio area. It can make for a nice shady area when plants are trained to cover the top, and trail down the sides. Benches can be added to create a sitting area.
Pergolas are usually built from treated wood for weather resistance. They are becoming favorite features for parks and apartment complexes, and are also affordable for residential landscapes.
CoCal Landscape is all about the outdoors. They want to get everybody enthused about getting out and enjoying our beautiful environment. They can create the ultimate outdoor design to suit any space and taste. Call the best Denver landscaper, and find out the possibilities for your landscape: 303-578-4788.