You can create an eye-catching living sculpture in your own backyard by using topiary in your landscape design, and keep it looking good with the help of the team of professionals of CoCal landscape maintenance services in Denver.
Experts in the art of topiary can shape shrubs to any form you want, or if space allows, create a fascinating maze. They can provide an ornamental hedge, or actualize an object of art in animal, or other specialty form.
There are certain types of shrubbery that works especially well for topiary. The Yew is a mid-sized shrub that produces red berries, and dark evergreen foliage. Boxwood is perfect for forming cones or spirals.
There is some maintenance involved concerning mulch, fertilizer, and weeding. You can arrange for maintenance control to be done by CoCal landscape maintenance services in Denver. Call today to make a plan, 303-578-4788.