A homeowner can take pride in a well maintained property that neighbors and passersby pause to admire. A large part of the curb appeal of a home is its landscape. But keeping up with tasks like mowing, weeding, edging, etc. can take up a lot of time, and then there’s the cost and maintenance of the equipment you will need to do those jobs. If you have a substantial acreage, some of that equipment can be pricey.
Mulching and transplanting can involve a lot of digging and heavy lifting. That kind of manual labor can end up giving you nothing but aches and pains. Yard work has to be done no matter what the weather. If you put if off or if you just couldn’t find the time when conditions were more favorable, you could find yourself working outside when you’d much rather be cozying up in front of the fireplace in your living room.
A professional landscape crew will bring everything they need along with them. You won’t have to worry about where to store all the tools and supplies that are necessary to feed and nourish your lawn and garden. If your garden blooms with beautiful spring and summer flowers insects are sure to be attracted. Using pesticides can put you in a quandary. Chemical mixtures can be dangerous to have around and trying to choose the right products without knowing what you’re doing can be stressful. Why do it?
There is a better way. A professional landscape company can provide all the services that your landscape needs to thrive without you having to lift a finger, except to punch in the phone number of your local nursery and landscape company. A professional landscape designer will meet with you to create a maintenance plan that will serve you well throughout all the seasons of the year.
Co-Cal Landscape designers can bring out the best in your established landscape or create something totally new and different. Call 303-578-4788 today for a consultation.