Colorado landscapes are complemented by color borders and ornamental plants. Summer annuals will give a garden blooms throughout the summer months.
Petunias, for instance, with their fragrant scent, love the sun, and come in a multitude of colors that can serve as a ground cover and create a 6 inch high “carpet” of flowers that will hide any bare spots. Impatiens will do well in a shaded area. Their continuous blooms, ranging in color from pink to red, go well with the green, pink, and black patterned leaves of the coleus. Heliotrope can be planted to catch the morning sun, and with it’s vanilla scent will make a perfect container plant in a patio setting. Phlox might be used by a landscaper in Denver to add a bold touch of color to a flower garden.
CoCal Landscape is a leading landscaper in Denver. Get ideas, and plan beautiful outdoor landscapes, including summer bloomers. Contact CoCal at 303-578-4788