If you’ve ever payed a visit to your local botanical gardens you no doubt have an appreciation of the influence that the beauty of nature can have on the human psyche. Wouldn’t it be great if you could enjoy that kind of pleasure every day by just going out into your own backyard. An experienced designer from a professional landscape company can work with you to accomplish that.
A professional designer will start by examining the lay of the land in order to determine what plants and flowering shrubs will be most favorable to the natural environment. There are plenty of variations to choose from that will thrive well in Colorado. Your landscaper will be able to draw up a plan that will let you enjoy spring blossoms as well as other mid and late summer bloomers. Color programs and healing gardens are just two of the many panoramas that a professional landscaper can provide.
A shrub rose bush will produce flowers all summer long. There are several colors to choose from and the shrubs are easy to care for, don’t take up a lot of room and will do well even in extended periods of extremely hot weather spells. Lilacs are a traditional sign of spring. They are one of the first shrubs to flower and they give off a distinctive scent that is sure to satisfy the senses of the beholder.
Trees are an integral part of any landscape. They provide greenery and shade in the spring and summer months and beautiful foliage in the fall season. Trees can last for many years and will grow to be tall and full so homeowners will need to be careful to allow enough room for them to flourish. Evergreens like the Colorado Blue Spruce and the Conifer are both popular choices. An experienced landscaper will be able to suggest the best location for the kinds of trees that a customer may prefer.
Contact Co-Cal Landscape in Denver and get expert advice on how to make your outdoor space a special attraction. Call Co-Cal @ 303-578-4788.